Q Exactive HF Mass spectrometer

Rue de l'industrie, 1950 Sion, Switzerland
Q Exactive HF Mass spectrometer

General Short Description

The Q Exactive HF system combines a segmented quadrupole for high-performance precursor ion selection with a high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) ultra-high-field Orbitrap mass analyzer. This instrument achieves routinely high resolution (>100,000) and high mass accuracy (∼2 ppm) with HCD fragmentation capabilities. It is equipped with the standard ESI (H-ESI II) source and interfaced with a UPLC Ultimate 3000 system (Dionex) for LC-MS and LC-MSn experiments.

Relevant technical details

The instrument has the Protein Mode and BioPharma options as well as extended quadrupole mass range, therefore is ideal for Native MS and Top-Down Proteomics experiments. This instrument is not in open-access (fees for services).


  • Small molecules
  • Intact protein mass analysis
  • Top-down proteomics

For rental agreement, availability and pricing, please reach out to the contact person

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