Prototyping pilot plant

General Short Description
The prototyping pilot plant has been designed to meet the needs of the farming, dairy and agri-food industries. In particular, the prototyping pilot plant team offers services, such as training and transfering technologies to agri-food professionals and developing and prototype competitive, sustainable agri-food products as well as evaluating and validating technological choices with concern to legislative, normative and quality constraints and requirements in the agri-food sector.
Relevant technical details
- 200 m2 surface equipped with all utilities required for operation (drinking water, demineralized water, chilled water, steam, electricity, etc.)
- over 35 pilot equipments to simulate unit operations in the dairy and food industries (see this webpage for details; only in French or German)
- Possibility to test and validate other pilot equipments
- Fermented products (dairy products, vinegar, beer, cider, amazake, tempeh, etc.)
- Dry products (coffee, tea and milk powders, cereal bars, etc.)
- Heat-treated products (pasteurized milk, cans, etc.)
- Bakery products
- Frozen products (ice cream, sorbet, etc.)
- Plant-based products (drinks, spreadable mass, alternatives to cheese and yoghurt, etc.)
- Emulsion, texturized products (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.)
Additional information
Please contact us first to define how we can help you.
For rental agreement, availability and pricing, please reach out to the contact person